a Spiritual Revolution

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◇◇◇ We are told that America is a Democracy. It is reported that America has declined as a Democratic Nation, but we the people were never intentionally taught how to participate in a Democracy; at a local or national level. America has never been a functioning Democracy.

The first time I walked past the Police I debated whether to acknowledge them. At first, I was like nah Im gonna pay them no regard. Then I thought, no- Im gonna look’em in the eyes. You can see who are the machines, who is tired, conflicted, the good hearts and the ones who put on uniforms to exert ignorant power from poison. At a protest in Palmdale awhile back a cop had his rubber bullet gun pointed at bodies not more than 4ft away. I hollered as loud as I could, “Put the gun down!” The woman next to me joined “Put the gun down!” then everyone sang “Put the gun down!” And he did. Power to the People. The Apex in time when all those who have been Oppressed take their power back from the Oppressor.

The word Revolution draws flowers in my veins. When you speak of Revolution most think your being naive. Fair, but I do know that when we win a Revolution that if in the end, we find ourselves lost, depressed, numb or raging with anger then we didn’t win any Revolution. This is a Spiritual Revolution. Equal part fight. Equal part rest. Heal. If you rest, you do so knowing that that is a privilege.

As a pessimist in recovery I do have hope though. I do believe in the Power of the People. The Majority and all these wretched tragedies are needed as a catalyst for our collective bones to set afire. To keep breaking our hearts open ~~ keep us RAW not hardened but RAW and my dear God, it hurts ~~but alive I do feel. The Apex in the time when all those who have been Oppressed take their power back from the Oppressor. Even if thats ourselves. ◇◇◇