The ever present Irony of it all.

The irony is iron`nggg.

In 2021, the catalyst was fire. Literal fire in the Emerald Triangle in Northern California. The kind of fire that blows through like a tsunami of water. Spiritual warfare.

(I edited this while on a Visa run in the South of Sri Lanka where the 2004 Tsunami tragically hit).

And so here I am.

I find there's a pinch of holding myself back from feeling too happy and getting too excited. I am protecting myself and I am okay with that as I so know the bittersweetness of impermanence. I told my friends that Im waiting for the shoe to drop. That I am in this sweet spot of knowing people but not know knowing them. And yet, I do know them and I havent laughed this much and felt so happy in years, if ever. Ive never felt so seen and appreciated for who I am in this capacity. This journey has lead me to finding the courage and the stage to being seen in such light. To share the most vulnerable human part of me is the most powerful offering I have to give.

I looked the other day and per my Astrocartography~ thats exactly what it says. Seen. This wasnt in the forecast either. Free will. I had a reading done before I left LA. I had to make alot of life changing decisions and had a very short amount of time do it. He said,"Spain and Portugal yes. India no. Not Ashram time," and yet I came. I followed my voice and I absolutely understand. I am not to be in isolation. I am to share what I experienced and discovered while in isolation. North Node in Cancer in the 4th House.

If I were to leave this realm tomorrow I would leave feeling content that I am walking in accordance to my dharma. Yes I want to share and experience more but I know that just by being me I am fulfilling my mission. I would however be... I have yet to find the love that I have desired my whole life. The kind of profound love that I know exists. I think, I try to trust that, I wouldnt have been given this yearning if I werent supposed to expereince it in this life.
I had a thought a few weeks ago. Just a thought of knowing not a felt sensation in my body, that even if I dont get to experiece Sacred Union that when I pass I will find my soul in the frequency of the highest vibration of love. When my heart is so heavy in longing my gut always says, just keep singing.

And its happening.

I dont want to get too excited.

I think I found the human (after firing one) who will teach me production while building my music.

And the catalyst is water.

The monsoon in Goa, India 2024.