Do you see the benefits?

For me,

because its taken so much of my life to just be here,

here in the present,

deeply listening with the ability to breath into the crevices of my internal body and having the awareness to move through the aches and the pains.

I arrived by clearing, healing, resting and an arduous effort of many differing modalities of therapy. Crying and physically grasping at my heart in hopes it wouldn’t stop beating because the amount of grief.


For me,

what is more important is the practice itself.

not discipline

not a regime

not an end goal


a deep devotion

to a practice

devoted to my spiritual practice

I am devoted.

A frame drum from Pakistan made from a goats hide, that looked the moon. I learned a hard lesson in travelling with a drum. My mom was with me when I realized what I had done. Its last song was at an ashram near Santa Cruz.

I couldnt throw it away and went to Motherland Music. London told me we could cut the hide and teach me how to make a new smaller drum with the moon hide.